Thursday, August 11, 2011

The long goodbye

I came to Skagway with two goals:
  1. Conquer Alaska
  2. Punch a bear in the face
Lamentably, I was only able to accomplish one of these goals.

However, I'm much more proud of the little things I accomplished this summer. For example, I just woke up the day after an all-nighter having written six articles for the world's most laid-back newspaper. I learned what to do when you see a bear in the woods and successfully averted a bear attack during a dream. I risked my life sliding down a rocky hill to take a picture of a canoe. I chopped a piece of wood with an ax. I brushed my face with a hairbrush just because I could. I ate tuna and dried pineapple for a week straight. I felt inspired for the first time in my life to write words to a song and I climbed up everything in sight. I got an entire bar dancing deep in the Yukon with one drunken karaoke song. I survived a summer in a place that prides itself on its isolation.

Now's not the time for me to assess my career options, although that question looms larger every day. For some reason that's not important to me up here. Right now, on my last full day in Skagway, the only thing I know for sure is that at some point I'm coming back to Alaska.

Besides, I have unfinished business here.

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